
I can suggest you what to make though....The Fried Food. Those are not green, no. THe Liver stones in 花冠安琪兒 that ancient Chasez comic book those are green. The liverstones you see on my photo album


That you can practice on it. Its just you stand on your foot, you are not train doing that. Like running around inside a somewhat decent size of the house, or UB 4 blocks, you don't have the house, but you have the space. By walking, by standing, by movable. You didn't have that physical vitality anymore to be on your foot.

The oil gets to your face, your make-up melt, or sweat, or you nervous, or what....

I don't need to be there - You girls on dressing up one of those.

I got these jobs I say I suppose to deliver for those lawsuit list by list. I didn't write it so I don't deliver you know? However those sounding like a procedure, I am taken my every step to the local court, court room, or including the American Congress. Meaning, per cases, to per degree suggesting you. I did put myself up for some measurement, so those in the motion process, becoming more driving me in life forces. 

I didn't really need those boyband to show up there me seeing them.

I am happy you all using my comic book, or the boy bands. Or you want to invite the girls around them, you know them in America?

My brain usually I put somewhere else when you progession a task, a goal, a real reason I believing in it, that rudimentary subject. Therefore, my mind always kind of drifting to the things I say to the Congress, because they are the God. 

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