
I gonna give you girls an example, where I think I see U with all these garbage Youtube. A guy has his own property, let’s say the very very minimum.

His parents house, his sibling house, he got married whom’s house similar to home alone ideas. To some guys, that’s not the assets. It’s just his as much as he ever got money values existing living style.

Did I say it’s 20 girls in front of me = on rental, UB Honor Class, APO, CAC, the rest of the clubs has no girls, UB robotic on Big Hero 6 and Chess club Smallville.

If you imagine you have 5 keys in your pockets, you wonder to tell me why he will have the 5 keys? I am saying a family somewhat stable those kinds. These are the minimum situation they got. You girls current situation ….did I tell you, you are not a thing in front of me, just because I am talking louder for my CIA cards, I add some jobs for myself, a decent why America has a religion to sounds like a basic understanding concepts?

He has this 5 spatial every room he walks by. Just the mentality, you want to imagine what I say whom register that feeling because I cannot verbalize myself feeling, I am also = the girl? Not the guys with the 5 keys.

You want to run away from your base station.

Did you hear what I say?

There are the people whom have this home basic manual, in the day to day average small medium family, that one guy or one family unit. What you all imagine to present to me or in front of this guys…and I am the one keep reading you what’s in front of my YouTube this IKEA junks.

Buffalo we don’t have a IKEA, it was in Rochester.

You understand you are not getting a better dorm you used to dream off on -campus housing if not Tina Jojo skirts in colleges to sound like the best friends together at 40 years old to drink bar at night, to?

Price tag on herself with the best friends same mentality.

You wish to talk to they were all a very popular band, they all are

Did you have a brain to register? Every day I spit blood (Chinese expression ) to look all this?

“Seeing til to spit blood” it was one of those Chinese flower thousand bone after saturn that one account I say, similar. 反噬 the results of 反噬 is = spit blood.

You girls didn’t do anything to sound like why you need to secure your life package under the initiative act, not involuntary act= someone forcing you to open up your mouth if not begging. All your attitude it’s very very bad. You don’t do that with the military. Someone else behind can replace you, it’s called Keanu Reeves movie: Replacement.

You have no exit, not even comparison exit. 

If these boy bands show up to ask you some questions, you had hope you used to sounds capable to volunteer to that SMTV journalists free jobs sounds translatable, not to just transcribe their English 10 mins it’s one hour sitting in the chair bind to jobs. 

See if they care that !

“See this not thr Christmas candy, it’s the cotton machine candy with the pop corn. I purchase that one the way here, it’s the cloudy color, pink, blue, light purple. It was Simon gift shop front door, light purple yoga ball. I ask the clerk why everything I see it’s purple including the guys sneaker , darker purple, but the girl pair was beige brown darken yellow. Very good shoes only two in style ….i don’t bother that Jonathon exist !!”

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