
I have add those DART First Test pictures / description / Facebook the early report

I have to organize behind in my computer. This year is 2023? Every year I have to print stuffs, you all don't process anymore paper works? Before the Chinese New Year?

Yeah I was saying that on the facebook. I done this paper work since 2018-2020. I told you what those Climate Change was? I still have those in the documents. Photo, or even last year. I every once a while needs to sort the paper works?

If you keep going on with your own documents, the court will call you one day when they finishing all this sorting everywhere. Not just you all victimized to the damage situation. A lot of people they have nothing else to do, they sue the court with this. That is what you all be happy to do under the democracy laws that is. But because....you all girls having this position for saying the Warrior. You have the obligation to stand tall with your diginity?

The only person doesn't have any shame must be me, asking you all this. Do you asking each other next by, how hateful you all toward each other's paper works? Whatever you written in it? 

Can you tell me this, if someone have a fight with you. Not your best friends = the girls if....its the guy. Old, or younger guy. Its how you begin that conversation at the fight, after the fight, or when he calls you, you going back to your mother's house? Those plot are often at the TV. Even I knew about it from Taiwan, not in America?  

That must be so romantic ! 

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