
I mean the girls you having your own making it money. Not the guy's money? !

uh ...technically the way I think it is more of those lyrics say, that is not a very nice thing, so I going around near that. Plus all this Zawanna and Kail things revolve to them. 

No, I don't go to those, you mean those more Upper Guy's money world? 

I never even think of that, when I thought you saying you magically make the money show up, as your own life the girl yourself. The guys never cared whom you are, until you show up your money.

I didn't go near them for the money reason. If I cannot extract this money until later on. I still when that shows up, I show up the reason why that lyrics ending up like that. Make sure they are okay?

But most of you girls are not confident you are making it your very own life, no matter what that is, in your look, in your talking, in your posture, in your envrionment, in your presentation. 

Sometimes if let's say I make the money, I going near, its to give them the money or something talking, because I have the title on that China platform for a little while lasting. Being decency to ask them what they need. That is my title temporary use. The TV shows up a brand new face, they can just leave. And I return back to my happy world?  

I am so sure about it???? What they think, or what these Zawanna makes me think? I cannot breath.

I have this Zawanna issue. Actually behind, that is what I say to them. 

Maybe....there is something I need to tell you?  However that reality supposes to be behind talking real?! I have this condition I need to get rid of that Zawanna or their entire pack showing up the entire TV or the comic book, or metro all around issues? You don't just be responsible for another 5 guys responsible for you? So there is a reality to talk about it?

I wish to get rid of that Zawanna and this entire situation. I won't be laying down when they calling me?

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