
I never told you so many things....



I am checking where are you all faces at.


If they are dead, isn't that you using the stunt, those are ilegal? You can have one million stunts, I never finish singing ! It looks like them.

I only have me myself.


Whom is Mandy? Zoey? 

Silas? Smallville (Super Man 2001-2011), no...Chloey. Whom is Zoey? So it is Dean dead?~ ! Do you all know why that Westlife saying 1999 showing up or 1998? Just the year before 2000 landmark. I hate those Prince of Persia, you running in back and forth to that one interface, to that one day, telling me whom dead. One dean has this 4 timeline.

2014, 2017Jan Back to 2014 Christmas

or 2010 China Expo

2008 China Olympia.

oh ~I am the one doing this, I am so sure which number landing on which book you all open yesterday? So horrible. Season of the Sun, its not the 4 seasons, I have more brain than that. The Earth, on Earth has the seasons. You have no seasons on the Sun?! That is redundant to say? Don't you read the newspaper, it is on my TV! 

3 years ago? Is Simon a real human? Shane now look a bit, same that MTV.

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