
If that is the correct date to when I return to nick / Canada. That was 5 Lords Reveiw. August 8th Ancient Chasez birthday


I faint it down that Kenshin Moonlight, someone hold me down. When nick back. I am on the bed. What moonlight on TV means.

Or probably don't know how the fridge a glasses can completely shatter inside my hand. A full plate.

There are 2 pattern to that sun location, how I sit in front of the TV, or at that Window, so that Apparatus, to that every interior design are that patent. 

Or that sofa.

You never seen NSYNC, or I never knew where is the internal design.

There was the day the pouring rain on the roof. He most time are not indoor during this 3 months. But I have to do deliver a lot of things. I cannot leave the house. I never really gone to the forest. I never really go anywhere.

I didn't even pack. 

I see my mother grey ET stuffs. In front of the Canadian Police, guess what he sees I did at the SUV van. My keyboard A key gone in the computer. My art work missing behind the door. I wear the pajamas back home. The entire Canadian Police /hospital line with a pink all over hair, to end up that VS.

I freak out, or I never stop screaming out loud.

You are almost against me to my judgement 97 percentile PCAT to asking me what ending up everything everywhere. See its your entire IQ rotton or my memory really fade per details.

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