
In this worlds, you have plenty plenty plenty guys. Including those in your own worlds, where you all girls having this fame from.

You want to tell me, the DAY you becoming the FREE, the guys none of that Diva groups of the fan, not even one guy will show up for saying the romance you got involved were not the entirely the money issue, it was your personality never make it with them, for using their money or the house? They ever asking you, if you bankrupt, or lost the house too?

There was a lotto, how I used to be together with nick. He shrinks -10.

One of those....You know, I used to say the imagination is staying in the imagination. Some guys are on the jobs, cannot be shrinked, and I am the one whom ever did that, done that. At that time, I don't even have the money.

Right now this time I will have the money.

I will be honest to tell you, one day, this entire hoax, ending up might really just how flatten you all girls ego on this entire planet, to one-to-one guy perfect relationship.

I did say that, didn't I? 

1. Talking lower than your own tone.

2. Not every 2 second its to argue into the midst of everything.

3. Be considerate others have a job to do.

4. Try to analyze a situation with a brain.

5. Don't imagine things that you know or don't know, if they are gays world?

6. Having a profession its to be responsible for yourself, and for your original family, because as a girl, you might really really really need your mother or the sister.

7. The most all I will say to you, its the methods how you talking to the guys. The voice, the statement, or the handling the jobs, you push them to talk to the Phone company, the cell phone outlet, the electrocity bill, the utility company, the water tank, the underground water report file-ing, or anything you couldn't stand up on your own to learn that aspect and finish those details jobs, so he goes outside the house to breath his happy life without me, let's say...He needs space.

We here in Asia has the book, I did read that part. The guys needs to get out of their freedom life every so often, don't call him, don't bother him, don't gluey on him. You be independent to your own life, if you share the same roof even.

For example, right now you could just pretend a game

Pretending you inviting yourself to their country, or they coming to your country, for saying, or imagining, where are the troubles are. 

You have to putting into a shoes that where your current reality, and feel, this is what is real?!

You don't need to watching TV or the movies to make the wrong conclusion anything. You could just delicate to this one guy, one band, one things as if ought to be yours to imagine....

Talking in the public, as if the entire world people knowing you have the fantasy.

I did that since 2014, right in front of that Simon Cowell, you didn't hear he says anything how far I can ever go, did you seeing me anything realize to becoming any reality? No~!!!!!!!

He will tell you, I have no shame keep doing that...just every account on every claim. There is a reality between the possible and impossible.

You give someone a road to be whatever the situation might be, and you give yourself some breathing space, if that doesn't work out.

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