
๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฅจ You don't want to go back to school? In Taiwan the odds will be worse than the America....and that one girl, she probably pays someone the money, to research and telling her. She spent in what years, and what efforts, she was able to becoming one of the high school teacher in this North Taiwan. ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฅจ

To get a job in the school, and in Northern Taiwan, its not easy. But as a girl / women.....if you want to be friends with these guys, you need to have a career, let's say, you plan yourself 10 years. They for sure lost more of their faces, to where they always meant it the life its a living hell for them.

So in 10 years they die out....you for sure making it, to come and greet them. What you wish this 10 years before, you will have the attention why they are older, more lose of the vitality or the faces again.

But you will have a profession !

Like you all girls from this Diva SMCH to you all local famous girls / women married

You all claiming that the mind in the guys are complicated. Its not the money, its not the flattering, its their ego huge, and it may not even necessary its the back glues. Its entirely their fault. What I Anna stands the points, you say those guys are probably just all rehab, not dying literally, but for sure, looking for the girls are NEVER one of the reason they ending up in the entertainment = the Europe are all gays.

I might be also telling you that myself. Not just you thinking that. I think that too.

But as the girl myself, I still believe, if just every kinds of the guys, you back glue them somewhat will sound a little bit better position. Not starting on the money talk, just the decency. Because sometimes you may know that, the human trafficking, or sex leads to drugs or alcohol, or needle are wrong.

Correct, and I say the Europe they didn't destroy their land, so you waiting the court coming back on that one. But you girls are having this interaction to where the fates meets the eyes, you have the liking, you cannot express. You have an anticipation, Anna I working like a hell. I don't even bother to see any human, because those dates never arrive. Dreadful, not necessary hopeful.

I don't talk about the marriage, because when I was with nick, it was not the convinience he was a Canadian, its just my philosophy, you make it to be together for that one person, it doesn't matter how long its long for that relationship. 

So if this time, its the same. You always just be extreme, and how about my own money? I can be my own boss? 

Now, any bf, for that tiny decency, even without a vow, just to imagine what the work load for reading some of my statement, guess which one of us has more bad mood....really.  You pretend with the guys, including the star, you both having a life together.

Just pretending, in case it might become a reality.

So you get a feel of it.

When I calculate those time since Sep early, to Sep late, that is each position to how far that 3 months ever ends up, and we got issues. In the same time, I start to be honest about the "Home Owner Manuel". I say today I have to change my entire bed sheet, all those washing elements, including this is New Year, and we will have the Traditional Chinese New Year, it must washing the window, or the doors.

You start to hear them several days ago.

Being honest, and be pretentious.....what is a Home Owner Manual.

They counting it down on the fireworks. I can hear them. Its too cold outside for me. I stay indoor.

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