
It was probably 2 years or last year. I was saying something about how my stuffs had this display situation, not garbage. Display.

This year, probably 2 months or 3 months ago. I told someone you garbage my things. I have not even seen Westlife video on these everything on the floor. One day, I seen that video. First was Seth blacken me. Second it’s all mirror image L or D worse (medicinal chem). I have not seen why Shane is Simon “Looking like that”. And my brother enter here, I got shock, that was the Sunday? Then Lucy came, I run away. I told people I was very very upside down? I don’t know why or whom, and whom this people their name or what from.

I just know them 1 week ago?

Mark points that, I stop everything my brother side?

I answer them something, I start seeing they have the Christmas celebration and ticket and New Year. Let me asking myself how long I just memorize their first name and clearly know whom they are by last name including type out right? Too many names and faces ! They were looking the same to me. And I have to get out the door several time. 

You looking at them as if everyone knows whom they are. I don’t.

There are a lot of things happen in those display table my first paragraph. I didn’t know Westlife or Simon they were listening all these years. Until they show up, i was saying the math or physics in Dec. How funny it didn’t occur to me I suppose to read their wiki !!

This is not about why Shane did that photo? If I remember correctly I don’t think I know whom that is that day or why he does it in black and white. I was thinking he answer as the group. It is Nicky that. But I guess people behind talking none sense, so I think they circulate he finds out something, that’s what people behind rumor at, and he decides to do that.

Technically they are civilized peoples, they won’t show up here without a reason ? So I just message them all happy new year stuffs and some welcome ideas to this Asia Pacific and introducing them our new Mayor.

He is very dangerous just like that Seth. Until if Nicky shows up, I talk to him. They are the stars, they cannot do this they wish they want and everyone life got ruined? If he = Simon, they give off the girls not be with them. Not that. They sold the girls to some other people, that’s what I think. The UB Seth is horrific dangerous. 

I am not really that judgement impaired. 

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