
Whom you suppose to go to? Shane

He is that Simon at the couch that frame. Next by Brian.

That Shane.

I thought Simon was not your time person. I imagine you target at Simon. You never ask me. It’s Shane. Shane Filan you go to.

No, I don’t know whom they are by names. I just found out whom they are little before Christmas last year.  He looks like a nice person to me. You can just talk to him. Why would he be the Simon’s position, I have no idea. I just reading whom his last name and first named added together for how many days? All of them. I am not very good at the whom name, not very intuitive to someone I just found out? 

These people have a way to run their fan club. On the facebook. I message whom, not Shane, he cannot be contacted at. I talked to the other 3. Yeah, exactly the same message, I wrote them so I copy paste them 3 times.  No, not at Shane. I have things to message them for? 

Isn’t your AMerica know everything about the Hollywood I don’t? Like what’s a fan club means?  You talk to him or them or message or click or I have no idea what’s a typical fan base ought to be. The letter !!! I sent Keanu Reeves letter at his house until the women hand me back my letter. The one I wrote him. 

It’s for him. But I succeed to get it back. At his house front door. I am very good at that. She says he doesn’t live here. So I got it back the letter.  It’s in the mail box. 

The girls you are, you wish he responses to you, or you wish to see him? 

He has so many fan. No, I am not on Instagram, maybe you get in touch with them there, I don’t use Instagram. You want to ask him a lunch dinner you pay at? You imagine he chases people? I already say that thousand times. 

You are just one of the fan.

Don’t stare at Simon, stare at him better. Whatever that says or means that. I have no idea. It’s my first time seeing that too. 

If you tell me the reason why, I might know how or why this Simon and Shane looks identical ?

Shane he puts something on the newspaper, I think it’s very obvious he is saying? Simon is not ! That’s not your intention ? So that’s Shane !!

I don’t think my assignment is Shane. Not really. But you checking their height for your height ?

Your wiki got the wrong number.

People like them doing business all the time. Their priority might just always end up on the business. Not at the romance. So you contact him at the business reason. I finish with Simon long ago. I don’t really know why I need to business at Shane. Oh, no. Not that Rock King, Elvis. Definitely not us.

No. No no no no no no.

If you didn’t come out that, I never even think about it. ??????

You are the student mode, they are not the student mode. It’s a cold cut business.

It would be better?

You disappear ! Never talk about them, never think about them. Not Simon not Shane. Just leave. Mind your own happy world. Cut off your internet. You had a reason world. They happy for you found your purpose. But you are never gonna be near them. 

🦅 the bird is near me. That’s what the bird says. Right outside next by.

The religion in this world has no real sustain power. No. It’s like those Top Corperate. They are the money so they have the power. You mix up a lot of things this Flower Thousand Bones. The way I talk, you all so mix up. Very very mix up. I have no real power. You feel the language but any writer can have that kinds of writing skills. You got mix up A to Z. Every degree of it. You really believing that China, and that has nothing to do with SMCH, they ban her religion, or yours too. 

You feeling that Power, as if you cannot help it to stain that power you wish to propel to do something, including the fair and Justice. You got it everything wrong. You don’t have anything internal. That power was not from you, but you feel it. You wish they Simon or Shane agrees you are - me Anna is there power from the internal language or analyzation reports or the Dr Jack, or music or told story. I Anna makes everything smooth, that doesn’t mean you have a right to live.

You mistaken the very very very wrong things. 

I need to sleep, very mix up. 

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