
Its not one of these police you are, you equal, things I am not supposed to be doing?

Its about 2 blocks, you can take the bus, if you running around the City. You allow to walk in any city zone? The groups, in 3 months? These entire area, you gonna walk at night, in the night market has the light. By yourself, is fine. I walk alone myself. Its fine, its just you have the whole company behind you. 

I personally never eat in those 2 blocks other than a few place. I cannot tell you what they sell in the restaurant at all. You mean I take you all inside? You can just walk on 2 blocks yourself. Most people whom gone to the nightmarket its to eat.

I went there 2 days ago, that is to shop, they got certain things, so I occasionally breathing in breathing out, I go there and finding things around but it was raining, so I find shedding to walking around. I eat in that 7-11 and the electronic store are not too far. I think you all just like that better, looks more modern, all the high ceiling lights, high tech...etc.

Maybe you all should just be at 101. Those are high ceiling light, everything is bright and seeing things. You can see in the dark?

The night market its more of...the couples they go there, and seeing things, to play stuffs. Its not exactly most 101 sleek looking inside. Like the gift shop, I would say the electronic store. 

The night market stuffs....you just land here the first time in Taiwan or?

You have to buy the things in the night market? Its broken. My blue tooth.

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