
No, I am probably going to their concert. You all don't show up MD correct title with the ability just trying to really help them....at all.

Not in heart, mind, soul. Not even for me. You know what I found in my own hospital, the first time to the last time check up my hand surgery? how much weight they gain on their belly on fat? Your own MD will die....keep going on like that. 

The MD told me my eye vision 0.5, 0.5 blind? I couldn't see he got fat that MD? Eye doctor in 902 ?  Everytime I seen one Keanu Reeve, or that Stephen Tamang, I have nothing but annoyance. FOREVER.

Just because someone sounds like carrying a conversation to STOP it, all these stuffs at me. You all just really spelling your hell cell one day, in hell FOREVER. 

Let me stress one thing all things says again....

Don't bother me one girl showing up to me FOREVER with everything existing in front of that TV. I never say good words about them, it means long time ago, that facebook ended, it is end! Including the rest of them. Your American needs something so they kidnap me, I will physically kill Dean when he dares to show up in front of my faces at all

Things sounds like exists, that does not exist at all, because the facebook its Mel-function in 20 years I can tell you that becoming.  He is very very impaired, to someone just like my cousin, lost his passport and money, so my mother wired him at Europe in the West Union. If you learn enough about the guys....I will tell you, someone knows what kinds of the guys beside the dragging chair to imagine Senior Bush, Levine told me that.

Dean dies 4 times at least + so many other screen shot. Maybe you should consider that legal court paper written right, how to keep hurting me at all. Your MD could just stare at that monitor without telling me.

I will personally telling you, how the American military meant it...the day I leave, the day I never turn my head back that starting at the middle school. What they ever did, you should remember, it was like 2 years extra talk for those ET to sound like they were the reason, not the American military.

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