
Otter ~

你以為我常常在這裡盯著你看嗎 ? 你是女的? 我認為你如果用你嘴巴張開講正確的東西,現在臉美了? 鬍鬚剪了? 從下面紅到上面,你其實是黑色的,你的眼睛看的到顏色嗎 ? 在攝影機的前面,你的正前方他們對著你看的那個框框的東西,你的活動範圍是毛毯還是水? 我只需要每一天看著你們的味道,我世界上什麼事情都不用做了! 不是做演員就是你唯一的工作,你的所有 sponsor 你自己也知道你自己的點在哪裡,自己想辦法講清楚,我不可能一天到晚在這裡 ! 我要走了,順便跟你跟你們其他自己跟所有說~我看到不知道哪一隻是哪一隻! 你們每一個名字都長得很奇怪 ~鳥友很美的名字,要不要自己拼音拼出來 ABCDE?


You think I often coming here to stare at you? You are a girl? I acknowlege if you only your mouth to talk the correct things, right now the face beauty? The beard cut short? You red from the buttom to Top? You actually are in the color of Black, can you see it from your eye to the color? The camera in front, the thing they put it right in front of you, that square rectangle thing, your activities area its the blanket or the water? I only every single day staring at your own smell, the entire world jobs I don't need to do it anymore. Actor jobs its not your only job, your entire sponsor knows you yourself point landing where. Think clear that on our own, I cannot possibly be here every single day! I need to go, by the way. You and the other otters you telling them yourself. I don't know which one is which. All your name looking about the strange thing ~ the birds has this very beautiful name, do you want to spell your own letter out, your ABCDE?

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