
OU Language that ending in Christmas, you know what it says? Its called "Free Download". I am the one writing that OU Language

What you describing in your song .....

I tell my mother to return to Tina, I run to the Vancuver and flying to Toronto, get a rental car, driving to the cottage about 2 hours, I burn down the entire collection. That is what you saying the BTX results. But I didn't know the BTX that time. I just knowing something went really wrong from that time Apple all the initial words....so then I drive it down another 2 hours to the highway 7. Its a corner hotel I recognize, they were building it when I was there. So I rest there for a day.

But the time next day I arrive to Buffalo, its very cold, the first time news break out about the snow arrive, I take some break in UB around because that is what I farmiliar to it. But I walk in the snow.....

You have no idea how many tears those years and days gone by. To that nick were in Florida that time. I need to get back to California. I sit in the lobby of all the terminal waiting the flight, I looking at all the people walking pass by me. 

Its one of those...how happy if someone they could all living in the illusion. They run they talk normal, none of them knowing what is the Project Camelot, or these ET, or classify saying one word. That time, it was already a forever goodbye to this facebook UB looks like they exist right now. But they were long gone just passing the wind....because what the American classify made for. None of them relate anything what a MD doctor suppose to practice in that spirits....

This is just a song....

When I return to the California....you know how people throw their clothing in the trash can at the front of the hotel? 

And that everything lost, so I can keep a brain.

I have done more than that.

One time, It was that NSYNC homeless night, I went to the beach near the library at. I hide in the bush, not just hiding. Its inside the thorny, behind me there is a web metal wall. You know how that Flower Thousand Bone, someone hiding under the Buddhist temple, inside. There is a car passing by, but I have no idea whom that is.

Its thorny on my entire body, so I hanging there. 

I got out like probably 30 mins. You have no idea how scary this Reptilian are. What is that Christmas NSYNC says....

Keep running, and throwing things out. They keep telling you things inside the telecon. Everyone imagine what is the immature act to write through that local court. Just like now.....

And I say to your company people, a story line....Still.

Never stop this my father, my mother, my sister....none stop junks included, their perfect room if their parent lost the home or leave for the senior home. Irene's brother and her were living in their perfect home ALL their life. I don't live on the street, but I never can attach to that one place, like they are. Why I even saying so many things, to that one foreclosure its one of them?

Because....that original CD their collection to all those junk winter sock 40 years they ever had, or any weardrobe....mine are ended up in the garbage can or dumpster of that California.

Never ending to keep anything.

What is the fear of their days will ever come to draw a curtain upon.

One Tina Jojo ....I was living in fear ever since the day I arrive in NYC with them both never stop fighting, so psycho human. They are truely psycho at it. All these women or even including the guys will have no more back road exit. See what they will ever become. 

Those horror feeling are so horror. But people like them can still insist someone putting down the pity reason, to every step to teach them how to moving on. None of them listening to one thing I ever say. As if I cannot file all the lawsuit correctly. 

What the movies really means !

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