
People there are those, counting by penny, because it was only a pouch....from his SUV. When the guys decide I will be on the road, they always do those things. Try to survive ~~~~

You girls don't ask anyone, whomever before or after you....anything you intend to do. However you meant it, it was a Vow to start that One Life Commitment, mine didn't start at the vow. But at least trying to be responsible at them, somewhat. They had something decent before.

You girls are sitting there occupying....as if that keys are yours. So psycho....you gamble nature its once you receive those Lotto ticket money, not the message, you run and go. A lot of people whomever did this Lotto buying, they all have some kinds of the investing methods before they getting there. Many are.

You should just film yourself, how exciting you are on the video, to anything...pretencious, that I say, you have 5 mins door outside that male receptionist, or a girl, to imagine the next 5 years ago, how happy this one time gathering were you ever buddy together the 3 months before preparation = There is no meaning in anything like that. You will be on the street homeless if you continue to make the wrong, and focus what it is.

Or already jailed even. 

You have to have a company for people to spot you on the map, I forgotton to tell you. No one does this rudimentary Subjects to the Supreme Court itself.

10 subjects all at the same time.

You probably didn't understand the capitalism under....its a word before that separation ism. Just like the destiny, someone could just making the words out of the English words into the paragraphs, to that entire sentence combination of the letters and alphabet to becoming a "report" or "statement" like a fallacy....

Its every stack up those funny tales, where it ends no ending tale.

My video has this Commerical from Youtube, sometimes I see this skin product like SK-II or the Taiwan local TV shows, whom these girls or women shows up

You sure, my one photo, just side by side....every ending tales, "You are not happy". "Something is wrong?"

"Something super super wrong?"

Really???!!! No one notices a thing !!!!

In my time, long long time ago, around this 90s boy bands. I was in Taiwan studying this Self-improvement books, its only in the middle school really.

We had a nice bookstore with a lot of those gadget magnetic scientific....I tell you 2 incidents that time. You can reading the news included. You thought about. Someone always just saying it everywhere

a) You always have the original jobs (capital), so b) you invests meaning those you gambles.

Now I gonna tell you the second incidents beside these boybands in that Taipei Station. One day as I strolling listening those big ear earphone, they have Celine Dion too. One women age, somewhat chulby, on the road start talking to me. 

One day, she and another younger guy, drives me to the Big Grand Hotel, me and my family went to biking that photo. I seen some other girl, with them 2. This one women asking me what I wish to do. She then will say.....if you are not sure about your goal in life, you don't have to get a master degree immediately, some people waited.

In the middle school, its probably the most hermone time, you wish to learn about the boys or the guys. I was in the girls school, the school has a rule, in case you didn't know why that was a private school.

That one day to high school, again its the girls school, you apply tested at, just happened its all the girls school again. For 6 long years, I never really interact with the guys. One day it was the summer camp to go to the Boston for 2 months. I didn't know that group in the photo. It was Elizabeth we were best pal friends on the bus on the West side, the first part of the trip were the Universal Studio and Disney. So your photo seeing those groups are the buddies to become bf/gf when they get back school.

That setting us, has a New Year, just like the past day. 

It was that 101 this new area was developed. 

I was invited, but I don't think it was that groups I remember.  If someone has asked me where was I when I was 17 .... like the movies says. I was not in Bolton. I was right looking where the fireworks are, and there is a taller Eric looks like our UB Law Eric, has a girlfriend. That was the group part of the mentor upper TA English camp people going to. 

Like NSYNC Pop dance, that was the middle school, how did the school were inspired to each other right next by. Our school wall are exactly one wall apart, never talk to, never knowing to. You imagine you just getting invited to a dance. A school dance. On the movie, or on the comic book are easy in easy out. 

There were a lot of occassion, I will tell you, I walk alone home. Because my house its reachable, everyone else has probably to take a longer transportation to leave the ground, we didn't have the Metro yet. You saying, what people wish at their 17.....


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