
Shane Filan 7

💖💝 Good Morning, I have an issue. You are on the China Platform Entertainment. We just talked about the Women's authorship to "Mushroom". I have a City of Hope, Beckman Institute Hospital Affilation to Research Institution in Conan Detective : Crimson Love Letter, the mushroom professor. But that is my side. You have ....a wife or ex's new bf someone from Venus, someone's dad's daughter's - son-in-law says. Its Mark got Sick, or You were crossing bridge in the fake identity. 笑傲江湖 14 /15/16 ( 15 Got Sick like my side of Dean, 16....bf issue)


💝💝💝💝💝💝Like I instruct before: Use your noses to breath, don't talk for the rest of night. Always use the mask on the airplane, you need the high altitude to that moisure does not dry out through that nosil. Just believe what I say, even if after COVID 19. Always bring an alcohol wipe (or the baby wiper) if they are disinfect. The alcohol gel I think its some oz the airport saying no? To that every 4 limbs, especially 2 hands fingers, always disinfect. Never touch your eyes, nose, mouth, ear, or any itchy parts. Washing with the soap or the alcohol wipe. The keyboard you washing that every 3 days, if you eating, you washing in the bathroom before the keyboard. And change that keyboard every few years. I wipe the hardware, monitor, or the keyboard or the mouse. Never stop washing your 2 hands. The women's body needs to soak in the warm water / hot water in the colder weather countries, so will be some guys feeling much better. But its too warm for the guy's situation, you don't have a period. Even if I losing them for the liquidarian, but I need the warm them afternoon or before the night retire. Clear water is fine, just remember to wake up, and never lean on your behind eyes section, to pressure at the brain. So....leave your brain away from the basin, and don't hold it the spine base, all the way on the back. I have the wild birds outside waking me up. Never never touching anywhere without clean. Meaning if you are in the public not at home house, you never touch your eyes, or nose, or mouth, or ears, before you attempt to doing that so, you washing the hand. Try to bear it. Always be conscious your every 2 hands ends, including 2 feet. Try to wear the socks, not the sandle, for that the foot knife cut, your weight as the guy's taller Torsal ideas are heavily determined by that bone = the skeleton weight. You won't be reaching to your foot, you wont want to occur that senior care feet to how long the nails or the foot hard skin. Its a simple cut jobs, you just too long to reaching it.

The nose has the hair, that is why don't talk, you have no filter in the mouth, always breath heavily, as you feeling you losing the body to talking too much in the interview or singing too much. The girls, needs to hold up your breast, I have a bf issue Zawanna, so just hold up your breast, and to that dental, you smile and breath, 1 and 2 and 3 points, shoulder point, mouth point, all the way up to the head deep breath. Trying to staying in the cold at night, day or night, or 4 blocks keep walking. The lympth system is not the circulation system, but to that the girls or the guys are different. Some proper exercise, and always have some man's internal white shirt inside that one ...piece of dress shirt. My brother's temperature or the ex always higher, their temperature are even. But try not to dress just one piece of the Dress shirt, that is not enough. 4 limbs, head, not that cutting your hair tooooo short when you were younger.

Wind, air, and collective karma, its how much you far advance your humanity in service, you will notice one of those....impaired walking. If you practices these 4 limbs always in less to impaired to your height, be agail ...what is the word, more easy swing in and swing out from your chair to get up to the room, or fix your vision issue, no more eye glasses, you will realize, that life it offers, its a lot of to do with the vision.....your 5 sense none, your 4 limbs impaired, inept,....or IQ at zero. That is what I will say.

You can just get a massage chair, your guy's back are ...too long, the muscle are man's muscle. I am delicate. Starting 15 mins, then increase gradually...the ones with the 2 arms included. Sit or lay flat...its both fine. Mine has this 4+1 (5 mins interval, I used 3 and 4 then 5 min one) - your body is made of the muscle, ligament, to that skeleton compartment its to hold your upper body temperature to the heart with the rest of the organs, that is how the girls losing too much temperature for. But for the guys can improve too. Its to preserve your upper body entire organs session. And if you regular your nose right, the deep breath, you should finding a lot of without your food, sound the correct water, warm, lukewarm water, you will be fine, or becoming the sensitive, everything done wrong in life before this point. Your blood works like I say on my video, its the circulation system that act to the brain = Vitamin C to those synopis junction nerves, the neuro transmitor, you use those American Amazon electric juicer. If not on the raw diet one of those. The orange juices fresh made if not too cold at the winter time, its best to intake along side some Vitamin C + L-lysine, every 4 hours. The Vitamin C are one of the 4 water dissolving type, meaning they coming out with the urine. But technically you have the diahareea tiny, just means overdose the Vitamin C. If not, you can just keep taking that per 4 hours with the L-lysine sometimes. (Prince of Persia, the Sand of Time)

Drink slowly, mix some Siliva, especially if you are laying on the bed, sitting up like a patient, slowly drinking that cup. I didn't go anywhere the last 10 years, I am not going anywhere right now.

I have seen the guys losing the weight much faster speed in the running to that machine, tread mill? Try not to eat the meat, unless every alcohol burn that wash that.....per meat surface, its by per inche, I told you my profession is the biology dogma its to create a body in the end of that. To that every Creation under God. Its the same exactly one time fee invention Biology periodic table. In your video Amazing. The meat is very very very dirty. I intake because of the TV saying that so, but I have to swallow the throat medicine, feeling immediately. Also be aware, your entire body if getting sick, without the throat hurting, you will be glad to get sick every seasonal winter flu season. Every single year. The flu cannot be eliminated right now in the human society. But ....its the only response center at your body, somewhere inside your entire body are wrong, so although, not all the time its the disease itself, you had only the throat for every response wrong in the body, I just don't know you personally....

You go to MH in Ohio, I told you already.

4 limbs are where the distance to the heart, meaning...there are the nerves, just like those central voluntary or involuntary nerve system (control by conscious or none conscious such as the breathing at night sleep). The human body is blood, bone, flesh. If I put a needle down, its where the right thing I feel, its the not 💝 vampire, so shut up.

To every nerves from the shoulder blade, chest are area, to the finger all knuckle joint, or the foot, you already know how those feel like, its all the sensation how the back, its where all your nerves at the entire spine, if you look at it. The Doctor's office. If you wish to just print these sheet entirely, bring to your doctors offices to that MD, repeat exactly the words I say, and open your mouth, talking to him as the professional, you cannot talk to me.

You can technically keep breathing out of the disease, with warm water, bathing, shower, soaking bath water, and drinking the osmosis water none stop without eating. To that fasting mode, your body repair faster inside your mind, outside your body. My brother is a gay....really. He was dating someone sound like longbuttom Eben, trying to imagine his childhood Sailor Moon Usagi position. How sweet, his name is Jason Pang....to that Jason Cross graduate, Eben didn't graduate from college yet so there is a High School Musical.

Try to care your own body health will sound like too tall, cannot reach your own foot. The senior care fees, I remember what kind of the knife I acquiring its from the industrial side store called Niko And....here. Do you want me to pack some of that for you all? You use the alcohol to disinfect it. In America they have a lot of this chemical solution, the peroxide to the wound, or the iodine. To that Dr. Gabriel Cousen, its almost like Cayce Edgar Time the Atomidine, I think...but that is not what he says. That is what I say. He has the iodine, to that Superman Tamang, too tall Indian mix but looks like the Chinese ex bf one kiss? Keanu Lake House. Try....how should I say, not air bubble your own head too much. Reading something to settle your mind, stabilize your own character, you look just like you used to, to me from the 90s. You didn't change a bit.
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I always think ....the back straight up, to how your neck to your head, becasue you are all star for those posture reason, it will never be an issue. Its where the circulation reach to the head. You can slowly rotate that Cayce Edgar says, knod right side, SLOWLY 3 time, 3 times left. Half rotation SLOW front time, half rotation back 3 times. Slow, SLOW, REALLY SLOW, and feel it.

That is a data base you pay half year, or 1 year by subscription, every disease name I told you my background in the video. Here is the link I also gain weight, but I make sure as the BLOND AND the GIRL....it only til when they say I quit eating.....for real. Liquid or the ice cream to gain weight, it none digestion track required, any digestion forces be utilized on every wound or heart ache everywhere, other than your own brain space.....really. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD6g6Hmu3H0

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Anything else, I try not to use Shane's facebook to be that shameful really...未提供相片說明。

Westlife: Upper Town Girl. My father and his entire military upper, or the military villege, they are the ROC (Rupblic of China). I retrieve away from the World for a very very long time in the mountain behind region all the way up Northern than Barrie, Orillia Canada. I don't really have a Party knowing anything what happened either Taiwan nor America. Your video has this green or blue, is that your own land, or we Taiwan has the democratic Green or Certain navy blue ROC (to that National Flag), if you look at it. My father is still living and breathing. With his almost guy's university back then. A lot of things I cannot just doing without asking him currently. We never talk since 20 years ago. Or since the middle school. Tina is in contact with him.


Literally open your mouth to talk like you have a family, that is what it means. He is like Shane situation.

Nick is TTC bus driver retire when he was 41. My uncle he married to the blood related my father's youngest sister. He is airplane co-pilot 25 years ago. I guess or I imagine I know? The aviation. My prom date is flying those plane in Summerset German ET high school student.

OU language was given by Supreme Master Ching Hai. I don't really know anything about that. I cannot just open that things right now. Personally I don't know her or Mongolia Nominji. Everyone sounds like I am talking to, not one human I have really seen since the day I walking down the mountain at that Canada Region, traveling East then landing at the West, before Crossing the Water region to arrive this interface, that is what you mean by description? There is a Prince of Persia, Sand of Time (to the Time Return reason) O U - however it looks inside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LinHCb1CydM


What I told Silas were to be that....if that multiple country program running in and out at the border issue. Its that combination math, he is the local American Native. Running in and Out, that put that on my head. At a certain taken place to that Flower Thousand Bones. = They are the psycho. That is how you using those Circle. For example, they forcing me at Red, but it would be Flip the book 1 = True Bible Righterous, its all Yellow at them MD6+1 to MD 4+1 meeting at Hailey's Dad (Mummy 1999) - Its a System Diagram. But for Silas....it would be my new addition says.


I didn't think of the money that 10 years ago, not that I didn't imagine what the money could do. But when someone makes sure - I make sure every single one of them on the wall hanging, I don't care they are the American Medical Board or the Laws degree to that literacy mouth jobs.....I don't suffer for the humanity reason, if there is every difference what karma means I one person goes to heaven, I will ensure everyone ends up dead or jail. That is my religion really.

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If there is one thing ensure all suffered, to that every morning my skin glowing perfect that is the 5 Lords Reviews I learn. Only I am that I AM. No one else is, or were, really.


The Eternal Truth


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