
SMCH 越南小尼姑 reading that seeing the Sailor Moon Episode 44. One person watching or someone watching it together? 你們跟她一起看?

Yeah ? ~ 

I was there ! When he pass away, very soon like, we were all still on that SMTV. 

Yes, I saw him. I had a dream. You see how that Shane just did all that by himself or all of them doing all that I can see O2 concert, meaning the new generation replace the old terms. The girls side, or who is your successor?

Do you want to pick another prince? That Spice Girl? In case the court could trace back that very First Story. I am sure everyone here, all these boyband are still younger for you, be happy for you finding that someone if not dead yet. 

You picking someone else will be the reality, correct. 

You understand during SMTV 2007 starting....to when all this happens? There were 4 sailors? You want to ask the Court if they collecting them, I am not sure you will be at the American Supreme Court, or somewhere the court they processing all this. They must have collect what I say the 4 works.

Organic Chemistry, Sitesell (Medicinal), Art (Glow to Go, Send Out Cards), Bio (RNA/ DNA)

Love of Century (|That is just the Facebook Page created, or your Fan page)

All of these things I ever make means nothing to you ....

The dog cannot stop barking. Can you ALL SHUT UP!

You want your own white dog talking to you? 

In front of me?

No, no disciple of yours be there. I myself be there with the court, or somewhere they meant to....tell the dog the legal procedure? Its too embarrassing to all of them to be honest.


What do you reflect on? They preserved your brain this far. You are not sure whom he is, when he shows up the way I am seeing that TV? Is that the comic book story black and white, too busy I haven't even read if there was a memory, I thought might.

Now that Spice girl story.

I will tell you how that life was said. You married into a place where there is an already king kinda looks like that Ella Enchanted guy with the crown on top, the Uncle. Almost identical to me. Not the beard. Without the beard. Those are black snoke ash places at. I regent. None of the movies scripts have anything written like that. So....its the King or the married in family? Because I only see the King. I never seen your other half, other than that Spice Girl video.

One of the spice girl its near or next by that Simon Judging Table, you want me to ask Shane they are to get to them? Its geographic location right next by or its one of the things you used to be mobile than...every other prince here unborn kind majoring on the paper format.


The First live, you shouldn't have any of those nunhood saying??? Aunty? the backup troop from another mountain, but I would be or should be mad, that is what I see? What did you do with them to end up the TV like that?


I think it what I look like now? From the First life to this End life? I don't know what they saying here. My thinking? I know for a while that bothering you the most....it has to be a look, the face, the appearance? uh ....

I don't need to keep watch, that is the second video I see on the Spice Girl.

Does your people make out that story in the correct format in Chinese, because in English they would never understand it?

Your Heart, Mind, and Soul on the reflection.....your Indian 500 years old you cannot internal dialogue with him? You asking your White Big Dog?

I tell you what I think this Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear, your biggest theme, its your 4 limbs short inept, like the very First Life, you really really did that karmic inflame back on you, when you fall down somewhere no one knows. Your head....

You want to check with the hospital X ray? Here on Earth has a technology in the medical field and 大頭 he happens to be the dentist + what....too shameful.

You see.... those American military scramble + Eben that Beginning to the End....most of those things can be modified along, some axial, but you yourself IQ and behavior, and the evolution to this far, you don't have anything to vent to your own very Master Indian 500 years old? All this written format that tells you some TV colorful TV, what a splendid all done editing effects.

Do you even know the essence of that Quan Yin Method? His belief, his knowing? His all seeing by now? It will be your 4 limbs, starting at your First life. It was.

You know how me and Anan met on the first trip in Thailand? It was a ping pong table.

When me and Annca met, also a ping pong table, how strange.

Anything you wish to say to the doctors? Because....all those dreams and beliefs, its not anyone don't wish you well, if you cook a meal like those spice girls to whom, you are a nun, I think you might still keep that, just without the public works anymore. You don't seem to believe in it so much. It stain your face shining polish surface too greatly.

I list how many this 1 to 1000 rules the girls ought not to be doing to the GUYS.

I am not sure they meant those are precept or guidelines, you taken with you to the rest of your evolution? Burn together with your will? 

Sit down with one guy, or every guys, those VS, or not dead see if they just wishing you well what the Real Love or the Loving the Silent, they bring the girl, not the wife to show you the reality? Whatever this is?

Try? Torus are what that type at all.


You want me to do that in front of you + which disciple or book keeping? Or Taipei Contact Person, whom whichever in front of you without the water glasses? 

Climate Change

Textbook of what I said, same them?

You want me to draw directly in front of you, you wearing your eye glasses, or Westlife there watching too?


You want Nominji teaching you some of things she might know more what you singing out of your lung with all these DVD producing behind IT, those are Vietanese? I kinda of....seeing that before, on those producing agency. Might be some of your people too. 

Those are the urgent things, your groups of every human as your followers or donors, or disciples or investors wishing their 1 to 1, or you 1 to them 10,000 per session? In case?

As if their Top, or me didn't do anything with that nature at your First or Last End life?

Yeah, tell them to talk to the court how they sorting that Flower Thousand Bone, I dead scenario.

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