
Some guys have some quality, some guys have nothing but dismay ....nothng at all.

You want me to label you all how each and every step someone I think personally how the Medical Committee board cannot just interview the human on the first impression to imagine the prince? 

I will tell you if not the ENTIRE Royal world collaps because all these lawsuit file-ing, this world will not allow, you want to flying out of the Earth? Against of my EVERY command? 

Personally I don't live with the Pets, they are on my roof. But I am telling you the last 2 years, just like that Enchanted Movie, its every servant puppy jobs, they ever did, to remind me, to call me, to tell me things this or that, like they are so on-time, for me, TO retrieve to those impaired human lost their WESTERN union wiring money process? 

You know how to wire a money from the bank account has no money? You need to have a certain friends, I don't have?

When I personally threaten that medical boards, sorry, I use the medical board to threaten Jonathon, sorry....whom I talked to TO threaten those MD 6+1, it is if your every Friday night

1. Lost car key

2. Lost the baby inside the car

3. Lost the Cell phone inside the toilet

4. Lost your Medical Board records.

5. Lost your credit cards

6. Lost this lost that...

To that every Pixie and the police force I train them, to all IQ the same, or too happy and joyful until they met you all in person.....for saying how long I have to keep stand hold your real reality check behind the real life....like I anna never run on Shane's paycheck, or whom supposes to be..Nicky, to that MY LOVE.

They didn't hear me enough if you all dare to show up, I kill all.

I have no patient, one single moment ANYMORE on those Western Union Bank FOREVER. They cannot understand, I don't care they don't understand. Do you hear me? I HAD ENOUGH with the WESTERN union BANK. If someone NEVER mentioned to me those name, I NEVER cared the hell of it, whom you are, what you , whom you say you are.

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