
The Beas they have the retreat or groups of their foreigners disciples included? or which groups? When I gone to the South California away from that Keanu Reeves, it was San Diego? Where is that Yogannada blue / red?

oh ~ they are too far. Dr. Todd happened to be around there to, I just got in, he took off the day before (Contact 1997). I think Keanu Reeves went to Knock Knock? There is about 2 weeks I am on the road to find a housing ending up that year Oscar I saw Mathrew and his family, so I know the Victoria Secret, that is the same day I sign the contract and sleep in a room? 

All these people I have no idea whom they are, I just happened to be there?

So Bashar has a group they have a music group too. Same Dr. Gabriel, same Kryon...oh, you imagine those public speaker, I don't know if Dr. Steven hair ends up in the ocean drowning with that Simon Cowell for some strangest reasons.

Even Gregg Braden, they are doing this groups effects meditation all over the world? 

You all don't walking around other than those proudly presenting you your own uniform, like those SMTV internal Asian black hair girls. They were taller.

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