
The Primordial core means....

Let me see where you all used to be PCAT at.

There is a word...not sure where to find it ... Mordak, or something looks like that word. Well, you know how that goes the Asteroid belt looking too perfect at it. You almost saying how you have a center forces to make a spread like that. But that is not what they say about this Mordak thing.

Shut up, Birds. They cannot stop.


Everything drawn to you theoretically are too perfect ! In the real space and time, you cannot SEE NOTHING! You need so many different source of light, that is so blacken darkness, horrific to me, the way how I seeing their NASA on Juipter, you imagine that is a big giant things, how the darkness all around for saying which is his moon?

Not that I doubt that God's law ever fallen, its very very bad feeling for me.

What is this birds screaming its Westlife they are on the first left video. oh ~Uptown girl again.

Geology and Geography

When we saying that geography that Prince William supposes to be major in....You have a study of the earth outter crust to all the landscape on it (with or without the sea), that is the geography, you omit the sea because you cannot see the sea floor ( = the Earth crust still)


When you saying the geology, those are the stone, pebble, rocks. And one of the saying how the sea below land to rise up high to becoming the today's mountain, what you see the embedded evidence. First, why you need to identify there is evidence? Its becasue that is how you arrange the chronological year, other than the Jurassic Dinosaur.  

The Earth itself its??? The Rock. The entire Earth is rock, when you saying any planet, you saying its a rock idea most of time, in the wishing of we will land on it and habitual on top of it for the everyday life, we can grow crop, recreation on the beach, or playing tennis under the sun. Terrestrial means.

No, not the gas giant, or the liquid planet surface. NO.

That is not water I don't even think how they define "Gas Giant", its you scream when you hear that. OH MY GOD! How can I make it more dramatic !!!!

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