
Their kids are on the Television. Rama 1/2. I used to tell you those ABC, but their parents dying out.

They are not voting or cared about the Taiwan politics. But to some immigration why they ending up Japan, or Korea, or anywhere else in Asia Pacific, they still exist. Where these ABC and their parents usually going to where ABC gone to eat.

Or the ABC goes to where the parents saying to go....these restaurant are the high end dining places.  The eating cultural in those norm never end.

And that distribution are in the California certain region very very distinct. Sunny California, such as this particular breakfast, its the traditional style. You probably just meant the younger age you called them drug statues ABC. The waste drunk with the bf. But every generation has this overseas staffs, where they are the "Overseas Chinese".

They are the bracket to all those oversea Japanese

Oversea Korea

Oversea Truly Wealthy Chinese

Oversea Vietanese

Oversea Thai

Most of you don't know what you are doing, that is why. There is a bracket where traditional values and family household do exist into some of the only known places, and to that California Sunny State, its where they are all at. You will have a dress code, manner, talk, family background. I just didn't require to enter that Sunny California. 

Their upper family wealthy women to that husband, they are all there. They are the social club, next by the husband.  I met them when I was in the City of Hope. I didn't just talk. I sit down to eat a meal with that Rama 1/2, kids' mother's social club. That is one full long table filled of this older women in my year 2003, loooong table dining. 

Before a brand new landing in UB. Hunting a place first stop at James. We made a deal, so I have the upstair room. My mother did. 

Where is that Ella Enchanted end? Not at Laura. You don't have a feeling what is that Rama 1/2?

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