
Yeah 2000

I just arrive to America. 

I know that ! hahaha....

I have gone to California, because the year before I think. The Boston English camp, the reason I wasn't knowing the high school crowd, to the college more crowd friends like the Elizabeth, its we first gone to California Universal Studio that strip line. Some big park very beautiful scenery in America, we live in the basin, there is no scenery here. The air is different, the sun is a little bit different, the space is a little bit different. 

Our touring site are by bus, there is a location we gone to were Niagara Falls. I did gone there one time, then arriving to the Boston area those Summer camp, its a dorm life with the cafeteria, you never ran out of the food, most time these overseas students eating all these long table as the long side by side things. Same to the EF next by year. A lot of the guys around.

I usually stay with Tall Henry's room with that Jason. But Jason is more friends to the other Henry and Eric. He was just coming out to High school.

You just imagine you land, and ....what? Learn a language?

There are a lot of things like next year, or the next next year consequence if, or if not. There is an Asian system stuck at the Green Card statues, we just got notice? Make it, you have 6 months? 

I am coming out of the public high school

But...when you get close to these foreign agency like Boston Camp, or the EF, their offices, or the grand hotel the Final speech each of us inline, or the initial orientation, every time, you putting things to get to the America, its always this more better and breathing interior design.

Even the Boston School cafeteria, there are a lot of some public utility,....we called this foreign lands as the Western World, because they have the development in some sense. Of course Boston those school are not like UB, you mean how public school....but still they got a cafeteria. The food is different looking. Its Pizza, or cassidia !  The hot iron press. 

There are a lot of the things.....its a lot different.

The Last time I gone to Europe. I been to Europe twice.

Both are on the retreat. Both at Menton. You know what is Menton? Just like that Cinderella movies? No one be telling you that there is an Albert II?

If you make it the lifestyle at the money sign, there is a difference.

The culture, the mentality, some certain tradition, some cultural influence. You didn't go to school to learn the European history? We did. In Chinese.

The Reality in America to where a lot of the Erin this type of the Older Asian whom did the Ancient Chinese full course, fully aware of, not like my brother? ABC

You go to ELS first, for 2 semester, like one year to learn English, or you gone to the community college. I think ELS in the state school, not necessary the community college. The real older generation of this Asian oversees Staffs included....

When they telling you a story to that Ramses in the Red River Manga, you just got station as a what? The ambassador without the residence nature?

There is one circle, they are very close this ABC idea. What you called them the voting right in the oversea idea, they return to vote the politics ballot. 

Their name is 華僑 (kinda of like China Bridge idea). 

Because when you define the ABC, you always assuming their parents have the money, but their parents are nothing ABC close by. The food they eat, the car they drive...etc, the book or the TV they watch really. They are the voting bracket of the ballet.

Its a culture you mean you learn, or you mean the politics you understanding at. 

They are what you define Taiwan, drawing from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, 澳門, Sigapore, including this bank I say on the Road the name....South here. You cannot define South Asia like that, there is something strange how you wordy that to becoming the India....

But when you saying the Overseas Chinese = 華僑

The voting ballot, they collect them or not. For example, my time would be Taiwan Horse President. When I was UB, I watching their news still. yahoo.com.tw

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