
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ The way how you handle your own assignment.... its not the way I am. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’

I never say I go to Shane. I say Nicky. I go and see what's going on. They are not they used to be those younger guy's age. Imagine I was with nick or Zawanna, which age I ever been just in the last 10 years + 8?

I am looking at this video, when they were younger age, okay? When you talking to the younger guy, you nurture them a little bit. pamp them a little bit. The world where you are from, to foster them a little bit. But then, they have this recent video. Why don't you say they becoming a different age? 

There are some girls job, no matter its the equal age, they have to talk more mature to foster the younger guys. Because that is the job, not the evolution.

Your manner

Your talk

They kidnapping people when you putting enough guy's brain on doing things.

You close them in a bit comfer, whatever that position you imagine as the girls Top like SMCH supposes to be doing at all.

Or next by Zawanna supposes to be.  

Your language, your maturity, the methods to handle, the networks to relate, the family background behind, the people whom to talk, whom to show up for. 

Practically I have no life, but whom to relate to.

etc etc....

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