
๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ When I just graduate from Ub, to get my first job....I have this 9 to 5, learning to cook my own lunch food, to stay in their lunch together all the girls eating the food ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’

its a bench lab jobs. You have a card access to enter, just like those Conan Detective says. I am the first person to arrive. This kind of the jobs don't have a future, its a everyday the same procedure and the salary staying the same annually. And while you calculate the per month, or per 2 weeks pay check, I cannot save any money, just by one purchase that Target Oven !

That choice of living, it was a stagment situation.

One day I have with nick's house, second house, more like a lake property. When you being with someone older than you are, you learn everything he told you copy and paste. That one things it the house, the room, I asked him we separate the bed to sleep, I cannot sleep at night. 

The yard, the weed, the every chore because you love to clean up the environment. You like to keep things tidy, not on the phone line app, or what things to stay....contact?  If I made a video or a website, I show it to him? i tell him everything?

Then one day I have to move to California, with Tina, they also have 2 house, cleaning up and watch the kid? Then one day it was moving 4 times houses, watering plants? Can you imagine, I can move so many houses just to keep cleaning the house by destiny?

So one day I got the Watermarke. The first janitor guy is name Mark. oh my God. I scream. Hank found it. I don't like that guy too tall. So I change to another person. But that is one person living in America, I have no family around.

One day I am home. Here is everything I am familiar of. Until ....every TV including....whatever this far damage I remember, its if we got separate since the middle school...just leave.

You don't know what that means? Focus on your career. 

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