
When I was growing up, I will be hearing a lot of people talking about what a girl expectation to be. You know what that means?

Like some values, different values such as the academia education doesn't need to be all the way that Ph.D. Its one of them. And like our school (you saying the 2nd largest girls school), the first lady school are the best, but they have a career, and they say we school its to becoming one of those leadership's wife. Upper class.

Like the First lady, one of those saying words in the Chinese, but in the Ancient you don't have the President or saying First Lady, so they say upper class. Meaning cabinet kinds, upper.

Like from my education and were that I seeing a lot of things, I will be tell you girls

1. You don't need to be too harsh on yourself to that pushing others as well.

2. You don't do that to yourself, why you demand that from others? Especially with the guys you never demand them an explaination. There is a trend on this, I think it must be the novel they read or books they saying some kinds of the description meaning the girl walking up to the guys and slap his face.

That kind?

So meaning you go be argumentative to the guys, you feeling romantic idea just like a novel every time you doing that? 

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