
You cannot always expecting your parents to be there for you. You are out of your house, or starting something new, finally finally away from your parents, you hate to see, hear, know...and hand on.

You didn't really know when you are so in pain, your hydration statues, or some warm soup, or just someone to open that curtain like "How to Lose a Guy in 10 days".

I am telling you - THE guys they NEVER have that kinds of the sensation

So their everyday its a perfect happy day. You on the other hand, you cannot make your life better because what is inside of your brain every single day.

Let's say I am healthy this 28 days- 2 =26 days, I going outside to see the Sun, breath, taken the bus, or the Metro, walking all around, happy to see things to buy, to check the latest animation or cartoon or some kinds of exhibits. Where the City Life design. I have no more too heavy pressure why I cannot focus on the niche I am focus on = The movie or the Classify Material in the next 20 -30 years. 

The Sailor Moon were the 90s.

You have a thinking inside you - those thinking are not healthy, if you seeing the psychatry will always better for you. Danetic first few pages will telling you that.

That is from the Scientology, the very original edition of that Dianetic. 

You are driven in the fast pace society pressure how you shape up to believing a material existence, buying your commodity to hell. Not saving, not build up your life, not stabilize anyone's life while you can. Not building up a confidence in people's life.

Balancing in life - do you know what balance means?

You don't give the guys time, you don't give me time, you don't give your parents time, you command them or you order them to do things A to Z. That is your immediately manifesting the reality.

What if that internal equilibrium, has something to do with the chi manipulation like the Ancient Chinese? You cannot control your internal, to calm down a metabolism, not using the breathing its the only things to stablize anything? 

You didn't even know what that is !!! Your individual person, to that body contain, you have a will that can change or transform your life, all by your will to keep yourself balance mood, happy mood, happy hobby, happy thinking, until you solve it, what is all the movie saying things about. Sometimes the guys, or you conclude it has nothing to do with the guys. Love the way you are.


Between the girls, when you just bundle together, everyone just saying the mild things to each other.

All of you will be happy I am the one lectures, but you all behind to bundle together.  Then if you have to lose your face to lecture the entire girls crowd, and behind? Your best friend on the TV, is that your best friends now?

The guys are all bad eggs, then why you still glue on them anyway? You like them the presentation, you like how they professional stating a fact, you prefer this you prefer that. Why don't you shape up that environment what you hate, and love, its entire your fault how you becoming the future, whatever you becoming. 

⭐️⭐️ You want to change your presentation of that blogger, if everyone else try, other than you are?

⭐️⭐️ Put only the guys picture right next by you, see if your IQ at least increase 50 degree of it.

⭐️⭐️ I don't care how many guys. Its just a piece of photo.

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