
You debatiing this Japan or Taiwan.....why don't you just go by your heart, you love those concepts? They drawing just like they say!

The ice skating

The White Robe MD

You are determining your future with merely a book?

Don't you becoming a parent yet, or trying to imagine you are a parent, or you suppose to be discuss somewhat, or mention a word to you when "First thing Anna says" was the half eternity I say, you run away on Love?

You want to seriously on your photo jobs, on taken a random IPad photo, in the collection, run out the door to print a lot of them, stack them up to give to your father, and show it to your mother to every doctor clinic things or vaccination, nothing to do, but them keep seeing my faces what it supposes to look like, after filling them the blank of all words? 

You didn't stay home long enough ....uh !!!!!

At home, after a long time showing up like this, I have things I need to do, for saying I go study abroad, or oversea to learn about this English. You never leave America to show up somewhere to imagine how to survive at all. 

In Life, you weaver at your life direction anything you hear, you see, you imagine, you FEELING so

Did you hear what I say there was a Tony + Nick's daughter-in-law in high debts almost bankcrupt? What a thing on a girl's face looks like on debts? Really? Dressing sleek? Middle West those Derrick's shining leather jacket? 

What is the polyester material science too high boots for the. It ends up on the Pitch Perfect.  When you could by pass a monthly interest / to that monthly per digits, for imagine the next month, to accumulate the American tradition, year after year, and starting high school to imagine nearly a record to bankcrupt.

oh ~!

I Anna open to tell that every World, because I have to. You take it for grant no one lies, or hide, or imagine so to sound so psycho, trying to look normal every chance that Tony walking into his father's front door. Nothing but garbage to pretend a normal day to day until next month? 

I know exactly what he did or they ever did, not just those NSYNC says Gone.

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