
You girls are not very gentle person, meaning how you squeeze a "cut" orange, that is 2 motions. Squeeze, before that its to cut.

Very rough.

Not that I thinking you healing yourself purpose was??? Sleep around I guess.

You wipe your counter, like you hit your own finger, or knuckle, ever? Its that damn corner of the table. Or your eye glasses just happened to be those black frame, fallen off your nose all by yourself if you lower your head?

You are not very mild to yourself impatient to every motion around you to cause all kinds of chaotic commotion. You are violent inside or outside. You don't like that route, no one forcing you to treat yourself nicer or worse. You are not sure where your eye looking at an orange, how to pick it up not to fallen in front of a guy. You are shorter than that guy, I guess I cannot see from his eye coming it down.

You touch the cup, you touch that juicer, you unplug that kitchen electric outlet, you want me to tell the guys, I cannot stand the girls, its every motion you are, that you are or they themselves know you are every careless act, you saying how much you love him?

Don't bother making me anything, telling you diligent works were your not laziness dream or the criminal act.

Hair - Ant !!! That is what i found out

Where you sleeping your pillow, or your real hair follicle ?  When the juicing movement came out in the America, there are several known people are put places in the market, but rarely people go and elaborate how cleaningness lacking, you just all drinking that Star Buck all the way, or worse, you are as a women, you drinking the wine bar, like those chess Queen that movie. Inside your new inherited house even.

When I have some surgery, not just becasue I have to pay that, my mother did. We have to go to the hospital, she is one extra person next by me. There are the medical procedure after we done the surgery, becasue only I care for myself.

Let me guess, what that the Day the God Found out....what was the name. 

You wishing the guy would be bandage yourself? To that every needie greedie, how caring for the wound, becasue America never had a war?!  You screaming, you yelling that space, no one in home, can sleep, rest, and just be restful, not I am dead yet.

If you want to care your own brother, you tune down your music tone, or your voice tone. Not every Friday night absent, or his weekend off, you staying home. The Home Owner manual its everyone doing it, you are still on the rental part.  

Caring for your hair

Caring for your kitchen new addition

Caring for your house

Caring for your pillow case. It is the easiest almost if I have a full set, every day I change that pillow case to that extreme I would ever gone far, because the money available Asia everything is much cheaper, you want me to ship things to America? The whole load container?

Your nail, your keyboard, your mouse. Where your finger goes to your mouth, or the eye, or the nose. You don't pay attention to every details someone knows about you, or watching you....how that squeeze juicer it is a electric, or it is not an electric? 

You pushing that things so hard, not that I don't remember the electric juicer that difficult.

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