
๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ—๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅฅ You girls finish your niche define? ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ—๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅฅ

Not all that one person facing the PC monitor alone, stuff inside alone, stuffy air inside alone, one girl...no friendship around? Since you left the school. No one genuine but the selfish interests?

Competition usually means, people get jealous, even in the academia world

I gone to linguistic, or Art, there is no competition saying the bio?

Its all like that.

You girls need to seeing some human talking some words to you, and sometimes because you are capable to relate your situation or scenario, if that stranger are not a co-worker but someone genuine, you don't feel so isolated inside the home. Your evolution not coming to that any degree to your internal balance. Not sitting at home alone.

In the jobs field, people in order to survive, its to kill each other by talents. Not necessary how great your works to be, especially if you are a girl. Many career fields, for survival, they need their interest only. Not really foster, trying for, help in, only because....?! 

So that life, you staying away from most of the crowd, they are no good. In this one life, its just money world, to when that collaps God without. But its just everyone is like that. You don't need to mix up them, we called them the mundane worlds like those politician. No one does good for arriving that position, so everyone else got detained, and trying to look like a cover story on the television.

I stay away from all the human race, because they really are not worthy at all.

That will becoming a verdict, ending result one day. That air its inside your very personality or in theirs.

You don't have a spiritual power, you don't have a precept, you don't have a support as a girl, you don't have a language still to open up your mouth to say it, some hear if near by, they will help, because that is their job.

These entire Digital Era, has something only for the detain reason, not really you can grow with the reason, you have too many aches inside.

The capitalism are very cruel. They only care about some really skillful people make it with a very reasonable amount of evidence, seen, know, proven methods. You have to be able to demonstrate, or else you never talk out of your mouth. FOREVER.

The legal argument, they told you....they wish the worlds turn in that way, so you have a several hundred years people supporting that common facts. Not by the God they say, so the State and the Church separate. 

People have this winning or losing idea, internal. Between the guys, you just need to take away one guy,....one guy. Fix one guy. That entire situation he will never show up the place he is not supposed to. If all the time, they are still argumentative, knowing they are God.

In the end of days, all you girls talking, it will be one of the crime they have.

Their internal system let's say getting fat (Between the guys or the girls)

They never feel it, the breast, the dental, the breathing....a lot of this if someone borrowing some body, to each other and feel it....Too many things I don't want to talk about it anymore. They might already have a book how the beginning to an end, how anyone ending up on the girls like you.

The presentation

Formulate a thesis, a saying...meaning A to Z.

Clear in your tone, clear in your methods, clean in your tones, not to raise up your voices. You often doing it with the emotion.

And in the end of the days, no one needs you, you die on the street when you get kicked out. You imagine without the kids, you can live on the rental by age 65 or 55 to whom you sign a contract.

That highly selective people methods in this world, its a capitalism under. Many mentality of people will be studied at. Except God's mentality, becasue you didn't really meant to have that word to embark until the entire system bankrupt and collapse.

Guys are not perfect, but in this White Race World, to all these shorter white girls

You have no resource over them. They find their way to pushing you all girls out of that very money rich places, because they make sure they deliver that jobs, and the money turn gold in front of them. The guys can have that kinds of the behavior. They are.

There are a lot of this invisible things, what I know, to what I really seen that veil....its very very very bad division, because you girls are just so feeble, fragile, fatigue, and...you don't mean you stay on the jobs to get things right. For some strange reason, there is a delivery Andy, this jobs its,...tears inside your eye frames or the communication methods to the guys have to yelling, or something this something that.

My veil here seeing....it makes me just so so so so discriminate. That resource and distribution the man power at.  This scenario is = you cannot be talked to.

No communication whatsoever, with or without God.

Absolutely cannot be opening up the mouth, and trying to live a civilization mean it, read it, seeing it, say it, and make a sense out of it.

This is bad on my side, not just how I suffered. 

You want to make a sense to a guy, or win over that argument, you have to tell me, what exactly you stood on that ground, other than yelling, screaming, or psychologically hurting. Truly so....jailing methods, you should be dead.


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