
A lot of people don't have a back end road exit, so they also have to be very studious on getting things done. Not they are immune to the emotional games, all around them. They are none of them like me as they growing it up.

When you were less vola in your own school education to attune a bit, that system supposes to safeguard you a bit, until you vola enough to damage yourself to much back then or now.  I remember the difference. And you wish to get to the detain and see the real police uniform? 




Certain people's look, won't even care your existence one day, not even the born right why you should exist with your color skin? What you gonna do?




What do you think the Ancient Chinese to this Himalayse around, near by, might look like, really? My house here the horse big grand street road on my video? A Day in Life.


That is one day you realize everything you imagine, you didn't know the society its operates by the law, not these street gangs, street King, street vendoring methods talking skills, you mean stealing? Your mind is not steady, your hands are shaking, and you imagine your parents can die inside your arm without you killing them seriously....you will be freaking it out how shrink you are, including to your entire blood circulation system. You have not even one friend in your life, you feeling supported.

You didn't make the world all around you, for you to imagine why you have a reason to exist. And sometimes, its getting more true every single day on.

The Worldly Rich Game isn't really starting as aggressive as you believing in it on this Earth, most people go to jail, and they stay in jails I guess. You imagine those TV news to how to rise to the Top. As a girl? Tell me, you believe a road you don't get yourself jail? Which road? 


So what is the worldly rich game will be truely to some whom learn the methods slowly, pace over....even what I tell the Westlife sustain true? What did I tell them? Because I have to stay in my education a little bit longer, a lot of this longer plan of the life to accumulate the wealth isn't on the first day, but the lasting period of days til when?

That Age stretching time.

You understand what that means? You didn't believing in the law society and the money. You have some strange mind on this, giggling laugh to sound less serious, so its being accepted by everybody.

So maybe some whom didn't have to stay in the jail eternity if they break the law on Frozen, less than on the murder trial....or they are the conditioned people, they will tell you the difference what's on your face in their own human resource department how they hire other people to deliver any jobs.

One human resource department, imagine how many people you really see. 

What does all this means to you?

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