
A lot of those black women fat, just need to yelll or screaming so loud at the clerks, the governmental employee, that is how they ever get their food stamp, other than nick those too perfect European roots, they live on their money, the Indian Shilanka they lives in the welfare housing.

You see how far you willing to blame them, torture them...

You make the money this way, you will believe it it works. haha...whom you are, what you are, what you wish you to ever becoming. haha.....

People when they were the Westlife 25 years ago, to how I am 25 years later, people will tell you, each person decide their future with the money in the bank, its all the private matter. To what the court need to tell you, its between me Anna with the Judge, not any of you business, at all. 

Including anything from Irish government has a piece of paper for me to look at it. They often doing things through the court. You just need try to be friendly enough to the System for saying why each government don't maid you foot, to lick the skirt on flowery seamingless sky?  

You never live through life, up or down. You never been around those whom are wealthy, or having one home, or + ....meaning more than one home. You didn't gather that force of your youth vital energy to focus on, like I say, there are a lot of the population do exist the existing make-in youth bracket. I just left 37 years old at 39. Some are already 25 years ahead of their game.

For me to say a few congratulation faces or words, or gifts, as if I had a TV title in China. That is entirely my private things to them. I never say one thing or has to be this or that. You all don't met me 20 years ago, if not were 25 years passing....today its 2023, not 2024 yet?

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