
It may not be inside the American land, true. You can apply that district to where the witness of other people already in the community. No one says you will be in the same place to live?

Its entirely how you negotiate your original country, with your parents going there with you? The re-settlement. You can just acquire with them some information. But you all can live near in that same City, or similar the community built, probably similar to this Western World, a house like the residential place. Not us this big population intend City. Plus I am moving out of here. 

I only watching their Youtube, while I am on the traveling. I don't have a plan yet. I have a job on this NASA or the Medical Board. They just meant we are the enemy, you saying the New Age when you all were MD its when you want. When you are off this MD 6+1, then, you will becoming their enemy if you intend to do this New Age medicine like Dr. Gabriel or Dr. Bruce Luptin. Or Gregg Braden, he is a double e, he uses those electronic device to proven every his claim since year 2000, in case, that is not the second time doing it again 2012, not to be thrown in the jail? 

You so care a good face to the Judge, you saying it out loud, "Is Anna saying this proposal does exist? How come you never told us?" 

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