
BTX telling you a story, of some horror, how the central government controlling,....and that many many of this Star Cartoon all having this very very dreadful lookinig regime, or some kinds of the domination to Peace

All these TV has some ingredient of all fear to that oppression.

In that BTX Central, not the carving scientists. There are a groups of the white robes, they are similar to Sherry. They are all being selected. Exactly like you saying the lab, but they are the Doctors. The male and the female oppression regime doctors. They are fine people, and they have skills. Those every foot you imagine you seeing the TV skills, that is where you imagine what under the oppression regime, whom will be existing.

In that oppression and found.

Sherry, MD and the rest of the other.

Its not New Age. Its High Tech, High Skill....whichever you imagine the Star Galaxy, anything sounds the merge of technology and AI. Human and Robots. I didn't see the Robots. I mean just the regular human. 

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