
Brian likes New Age, and Christianity. But I mix up so many things, he or them may not understand what was the original definition in New Age.

Want to walk up talking normal again? Because, I cover the entire front page URL all by myself.

If they seeing you, they know what is the New Age, the Medical Board Lies one to Z, and there is a boy, or a guy, wave that stick or sword, turn his head away, keep waving left or right, don't come near. I don't have to go near now, or even...explain.

Because.... they all entire world hear me saying, why you all should be dead, really.

How come MD 6+1 becoming the priesthood program, and not just saying New Age. You mean the vaccum wrap those syring plastic wasteful in the garbage can, for the blood medical equipment pressure to measure tight up on the upper arm, and???

How to describe the rest of the others.....why Anna I say something here or there, or here or there. Nothing sounds more fluorescence light.

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