
I am not really one of those front cover girls, you mean the entertainment world successful million dollar bebe, they say? I think if each of them just be with one guy, meaning nicely being together, they have a lot of choices.

I am, I just have to wait whatever they are doing behind.

I am not aware all that much. I am free time since just as soon as I left the university and my first job. I went back to the graduate school, but I gone to Thailand and Taiwan Retreat with my ex bf. We were in one of the Thailand island to spent so many months before the Taiwan we got called in. The Thailand airport, I was late on my visa, I can tell you that. We didn't go anywhere but stay on that island.

I used to don't know how the world perceive between the guys and the girls. No, not really. I am a girl, not a guy?

So if they all cannot, I find some other guy, correct. I told you I didn't know the guys world's needs people to be together on a more subtle bracket, they don't have a stress, and that entire community people benefit, just one person cooking.

I didn't make anything false. I told you everything exactly what it is.

What I see, what I got, what sent in to my Youtube and see, or my facebook. Sometimes you don't see those things, so I tell the guys each and every one of them. I did. 

You want me to say that again? How we used to live a life between me and my ex nick?

We have to travel to the grocery, we live in the cottage life before 2012.

A girl can cook, can wash, and thoroughly delicate to the "Green" causes. Like input more green veggie on the daily intake from the FDA standard, that is the food and beverage causes. 

Seriously implemented on the local level. If that is what they say the fame can get anything. oh ~ I thought I say goodbye to the entire humanity, that is what the TV says?

One person waiting for the sun to rise up? Cannot Speak? So I sing? That is exactly the theme song right on the TV monitor.

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