
I have no more NASA, so we are on 4 stove? Not High pressure those compression stuffs ~~

In the limited utensil, the plastic container, or stainless steel (to ensure heat, not the plastic)

The salad goes to the plastic container, the olive wash like none stop soaking til the salt coming out in the plastic container, the assort bell pepper washed, and cut strips, the green veggie upside down broccoli in the salt water cover bowl weight down. If they eat cauliflower occasionally, how many people combine Westlife? 

These you can leave it in the plastic container.

When you just oil fried somewhat, you leave and find those stainless steel some Asian too elaborate to that. No, you don't use that in the microwave, so don't bother finding that. Use ceramic. 

In the Ireland weather somewhat cold, you just imagine when you can really rise up a dough, because its not like Taiwan, not like California to seeding cilantro. You know how much one bunch Cilantro (or coriander costs? Per bunch? Home grown its no chemical, completely organic)

It was in Hank's house, I just dump it, it all came out right next by the swimming pool. 

You cannot multi-task to then add a career you social per weekend out of where? The air filled up the alcohol + the ice? You got excited on Friday night to dress up to go to the party like the University? I read a new laterly a husband of whom dump the what inside her shoes. Somewhere near Brian guy I think those news. 

I was not outside per Friday night while I was in UB. I didn't know the difference after UB.

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