
I put my kitchen album suppose to be in that Interior Design 2, it becomes inside the Interior Design Asia edition

On the Pinterest


I am so used to my small tiny room....imagine how big and wide where I imagine they suppose to live at. 

Sometimes Friday night, starting afternoon its the dumpling making? You seen one of those flat white flate, looks like appetizer, because they have every other food, 6 human? That is not the meal? But light done like I show in the photo, fried on one side, (or 2 sides)

A plate of lettuce, tomato slice, cucumber slice, like every morning they seeing the same thing over and over, if they come by? Its the same tomato slice, cucomber, and lettuce or some green always in the water washing and soaking and waiting?

The waiting time its the slice of the fresh grocery? Prepare and sort?

Running a household, don't sound like tooooo lazy? Just someone looking at you the entire being, you will find out you talking with your mouth so open, its how lazy you really meant the girl's virtue ought to be?

I don't even know whom you are, come and sit down to eat? Avocado?

Can you all really cutting one avocado, not at your hand, really?  To input the green in the food diet, you mean you delicate to that cause like the UN says or FDA says?

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