
Like the Kitchen has this stocking food, spice, kitchen towel, kitchen napkin, the real tissue boxes to refill

Bathroom, towel washing 1 and washing 2, and washing 3? 

You know how your house running with the people coming in no matter whom they are? The food on the table?  So the green idea, the green veggie, you mean you lightly boil the broccoli, and cauliflower, you process every flower on their moding? I don't eat the cauliflower, but they can? 

How to washing white rice, again and again and again, you will be on your feet all day long? Their thermal bottle warm / hot water? Its you have to pouring the distill water in the jar, they carrying in? You know your stocking food department in Costco means, in their whole food store? 

You ever running that entire lists idea, you see, you know, you sort, you looks like you doing that forever? We are all the same profession to work in our own profession? 

Like I really don't care how many facebook their name sound like the shifting name profile with the photo, because I done this household FOREVER means, whichever human, its all the same story? We go in the car to? Shopping day time no one sees? Its the couple does, just looking at every isle. If its 2 people world, its easy just on outing, we stocking things back when the rest of them show up and eat the food?

Do I know whom?


No! ~~~! I have no idea what happened that is the short answer. My hair itchy, I have to wash my hair.

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