
I think you girls should do 1) never talk to any girl 2) stay yourself but collect some guys friend, including I don't need them UB because you are all very near. One girl talking mild, talking low to them, like a genuine thing. i let you use my facebook

You follow the script 1 : Real Love

You don't have to be with a guy almost to skin touch. Kisses or hug, that kind, but getting near to pretend like, sometime pretending just lean close, hold a hand 5 second let go. You have a very very very very super bad situation. 

Or more than 1 kind of the situation. You don't be like me, I never stop saying that. Ancient Chinese or Ancient Chinese history, that is 5000 years long on the lyrics. 中華五千年 (歌詞 ) Flower Thousand Bone even.

Correct, you can just keep talking to a wall, to every guys you always knew, hear, heard, becoming looking like you forever know, but you don't remember them from 20 years ago or 30 years ago. You just need any every girls dissappear out of you, follow that Indian 500 years old saying for tiny merits will save you...in whatever they know they don't know, they find out. You don't need to go near the guys, far away, sound like there is a thing?

1. You do not know any girl

2. No close

3. No girls night out

4. 20 years NEVER seen them once, meaning that will be 23 years on or 30 years gone.

5. If its a guy's thing down there, it will never be chi or food you deform, or disable, or if worsen, an arm fall off. Those are very very very bad.

6. The guys will be the victim, in toooo many these ideas. But they are more yang idea. You collect enough the guys, you have someone goes to all around.

7. Sometimes the guys are gays, but you have no other choices, you move over there, and figure it out the rest of it. 

8. If you just ask around and you can just tell those stage guy, if you have a debt or not, and say your own prayers of your bank, show them the bank statement, like a wall. But you just know they got a company, and if the news didn't say worsen, you can just get near those guys, without the news, and buddy together, that is what you girls want to do?

Then do it. Did I stop you?

Buddy with a guy, don't near any girl. Stay away. Just shut up, and keep moving on your perfect guy's whole life his dream, and hope, and cooking skills, and outing, until these entire things got fix.

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