
I would say, you girls are young, why don't you group a lot more guys, might be more near, never ending up in Japan they speaking the court what reasons? Eben is in California, until when sorting with Dennis? In D.C right now.

You girls can groups a loads of the guys with your faces, or you wish to try that I saying to those girls, buddies table, D.C paying for, trying out?

Not the book content, just showing up to eat, those things? How to get along each other and for the rest of the life, having a Line app

"Sailor Moon Group" 

"Salary group"

"Mother's group"

... ... you set up your line app, and 365 days, mine side those Sailor Moon don't have those friends, lonely. Somewhat...the guys don't really want to listening to them one word.

But each them are not talking to anyone between themselves, because of the movie: Tiny 4.0.

In 365 days, you might have 1 day showing up together to chat over your opportunitiy find something, or Line App Group Chat, someone you staring at your phone, other than I rinse my own sink.

Sorry, Brian's kitchen sink the stainless part, with the facet. What soap he uses.... 

At that age, yeah...they are lonely. How long can they keep going a life without a scene?

Little bit about Eben Pagan.

What he does, all those friends, you called them the affiliate networking. The competition its the customers bases.  Meaning its trying to say to each other, they are friends, but when you really be at those ground, everyone competes, and jealousy over anything arena, are not the air you breath to your noise, he is really just one person name "Eben", not Pagan.

And they are dying out too. Those more known name, too old. Might be shift somewhere else other than that fighting grounds, where no girls trying to soften that entire envrionment. Each other talking really really really really loud, and aggressive.

There is something your voice so loud ...or I didn't talk loud enough over my video....

Of course I have to raise my voice, the camera IPad its far away. Try not to be that Annie Hallaway or Helen Raise up, no matter what. Those will not be that acceptable in the guy's world, NEVER.

Eben talks very hash to people, because those driven has to deliver methods behind in the company whomever contact them, you understand? That kind of the business its very very harsh, if you cannot secure your own money scheme, to relax him a little bit, or ensure his life fine, its better don't think getting near to him, anything good. 

He is not the kid, but to becoming that business world, things have to deliver. The girls like you, whatever I have seen the overall faces, blonde and brunette, you never see Eben yells with very very impatience attitude. When any guy doing that, its very very bad. 

And you are the reason doing that.

Not that Silver Millennium story.

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