
If Brian doesn't want ...you mean the Shane Filan things? oh ~ their company supposes to sound like they exist.

I hear what Brian says. Yeah....but I can tell them, I exist. Its better they come to me, or their own company for money, not the usury?  Meaning those ground below things. 

Am I gonna to to England? uh...I think next by that is called Ireland. They still have that much of the population really. On the first floor kinds.


I think when we were pouring our professional life, that is a brand new environment we all moving it on.  They have some kinds of the TV shows, I just don't know exactly which one ending which one. A month ago, I cannot see their faces to their news really say, which one is doing which? The TV, or the Stage, or the camera at.  But I understand they all having a new career after they were still a Westlife together.

And that kind of the set-up, sometimes I don't think that is bad? They only gather for the reason their company say, meaning they can collect all kinds of the friends, associate, Judges, or experty.

I have no idea

I have no idea whom they....

I have no idea whom they say they are singing, so they are a judge? 

You know where I think I see Brian at? On the Ice, Dancing on Ice, I say I see the Disney on 2018 Dancing on Ice?

That is the word I read "Dancing on Ice", Brian McFadden?

I ...... I will tell you, too many things I hear, see, and all kinds of this confusion, I cannot distinguish a reality myself. Adam Levine he flood my facebook, I knew what his body guard on the Harry Potter and him absolutely looks like, the Judge. The Voice spinning chair. 

And this Shane? Shane you mean my mother's name ? He gone where? 

And his facebook I splash at? Where am I? I trying to talking normal, its an icon with a profile photo says Shane Filan. Whom?

Isn't he leading singer, does his tear fallen off from his faces every time in the 90s? How old was this guy back then? They were? So the Better Man in Westlife, its the producer, you mean Kian? I think Kian I later keep watching or seeing certain thing, I think he is the producing the music. So where is Mark? ???????????

Not Seth the better man, so shorten is Shane Filan?

Sometimes its best those UB they going on their new world, not going back.

The girls need that. 

I don't need that.

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