
You know...when I was working 3 jobs a time in UB + 2 things outside the UB without knowing anyone might be nick, or Simon or Westlife ever exists...let's say.

I have to build up my life that time the limited space I know how. Its from the State school.

Right now, they are nice people Westlife, you sometimes saying hi, to soften too many boys, if you seeing them with Simon. But one day, if that Zawanna ever shows up, you have to pretend he is a girl. Really.

Just don't hang around that time, because Zawanna he is very very very realistic, he done this University Professor, Body guards, Teachers, Priesthood looooong time, training the boys to become somewhat man. Whichever you seeing him exile all those stories I were told or is or was or not.

We don't go and build up something, so we threading step back to the First Step.

You might just destroy that person on the first day, never end with that kind a forever in front of it. We might just always stay without him Zawanna or the outside world.  That is what I can tell you in the end of all this.

I don't have a BTX' then I start at a different type of the jobs, that doesn't mean, it wasn't meant to my heart, what that is, or was, or in between how it ran down on me with all this things pile up on the background all at the same time, with the TV.

A lot of the girls need to have their brain re-wired. That will be I always say.

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