
If you want to be with Simon? You tell him straight you drop every stories, just be with him. He only cares about the sex, venture, picnic, talking like normal life where you go shopping, whom you seen. They don't necessary in America.

No security outside, you need to stay inside a group with the girls, and with the body guards. No, never Sailor Moon. That Mummy 1999, that girl is the Dark Lords my brother's face. She might be ....?!

So its the money he hires people to ensure you and him have a happy life. 

I say NO thousand times. I can sustain myself. NO No NONO.

And technically I never say I don't go with a normal normal normal guy. I mean no jailing business or imagine running in and out of the jails, those normal guy's life. No marriage, but staying together. Why is my entire things at Simon Cowell? You know why?

I cannot tell you why.

Its not belongs to me before, or now, or the future. Zawanna told me they go on the street and die. I never change these terms and conditions.

Simon if asking anything about me, its not to find things about me. No. He tries to make you adjust to love him alone life. A real together life. He means real. If you can just drop any subject line about me. He will tell you. True. He wants a true love in his life, that is why he spent the money to keep you, or all of your stuffs around, including friends or all around.

I say NO!!!!

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