
Its probably better you all looking at this Prince Harry, all alone, away...with his background in saying out loud already. The senior care.

Far far far away from your both aging parents, when things are over, its over. Not one of those things I say, the gathering together, every so often. Just leave your parents when that limited year you strive to get out of the house as you intend.

Don't go near those senior citizen, no matter how much you miss them. 

Europe, you are not their ABC or I keep imagining....?! You know what is the ABC degree?

Like that SMCH or Wendy those? Tina and her best friend since young in the Australia? 

Meaning you are investing in Europe, on the imagination, where is your money? 

I didn't think its possible, so I taken I hillucinating my hearing, I am so enough with this saying ABC. Whom again? You need the money to imagine that is not disappearing out of your hands?

You imagine you gonna travel in Europe, where is your 3 meals money you calculate how many days? You know someone in Europe? I actually pretend I knew whom that Menton at, its not France even.

I also know no one in California. I have to run around? That is not the true reality, how you seeing anyone all inside their perfect home to fight on their life issues. Some has a lot of the issues.

oh ~ I know, you have something to do with this Europe. What is it?

Not about proven the movie worth, you really believing the princes or prince story?

I can tell you what the Zawanna World supposes to do. Its under the 5 major religion, to that unlimited lineage, methods, cults, under this 5 major religions, you have some color to be reside in one of the small tiny things within. That is they polite saying it. The actually how Zawanna ending up on the street, they polite say, or they mean.....just a polite to say?

oh ~~~~~ this is not one of those New Age without the Medical Board, its when you decide to take the side, the moment you step your foot out of???? that MD 6+1 , or Md 4+1 ?

They have to let you all go, to imagine you side its when you think, or being educated with a desire. Really. 

Your outfit choices are the day they found out, the day they let you all go?

Let it Go?

Is that really legal in America, they bind you 6+1 to 4+1 forever on the court for saying Medical Board, they didn't go off on that flag they say? The inspiration from Kryon, or Bashar, or Gregg Braden, or Dr. Gabriel, or Dr. Steven Hairfield?

With the Medical Board, you can make a lot more money from the hospital system.

These is your outfit? 

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