
No, I don't go to your Witness Country, did I say it may not be in the America?

Your what package, a community living, far away from the grocery store? 

I gone to the Europe, they look like those Boston East Coastline.....no, your entire family packs goes there. That is what the witness program is? Not you yourself. No.

No, I won't be seeing any of you. In fact, that facebook other than for the Westlife company, just look at my phone, I didn't lie to them, there was a facebook. I mostly will be outside, coming back to the hotel stay indoor? 

You have the movie found out, you can message me, when this Court opening this OU language. Its all wireless. No, I am not planning to show up there, not really. I have too many things on myself. Some people have a different priority. You doing things for the decent understanding, 

"Here Westlife company, I used to gone to this 3 Art, they seeing me a real human standing at the receptionalists talking with the English, they were in a meeting. I walking in the elevator coming up."

"Here is the facebook you need to see my name, and this list of 1000 not 9000 people on my facebook"

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