
Like in UB, I had a car, you have to plan to call in, to talk, and they finish planning, I pick up Melinda?

So those Friday night, if we have a plan, we both show up somewhere? Adria's house, or Karen's parents home. They don't think about their past Sailor Moon things. 

So now its with the guys in their worlds. I used to gone to these nick's family stuffs? Their birthday, or our home we cook? Or Promo with his wife and the kid come? That time, my side have nothing, because they were all in their own worlds building up their career. 

Hank, they have one time invited friends, or including my landlord.  Its not a lot of the activties. Even let's say I finding this Mokie, Tina's dog for the pet food. I told you, I exchange TWICE, open and send them back on the counter he doesn't eat it. I gone to SMCH very very far way center, I got those green sticks, he ate it. He eats meat, not vegan dog food. I even order the 4th time on the Online Shop. So its you running in and out of the Hank's place. I rental car on the weekend so its I seeing these Enterprise human not just in Buffalo every so often?

You dress up, you show up, and I was in AGT? Not just Kryon twice, Bashar once, and Dr. Gabriel? Those are not these guy's world? But show up at least with all these TV I can see and hear? I post it online?

That is not how you doing things, or how you supposes to be doing things? 

In Taiwan, let's say my mother, their friends have to go to the American clubs, very far away, still we need to dress up. You don't remember where you show up, or I don't remember where I been to?  If I done this COP 16 that time, they flew in the Cancum Mexico on the retreat and the campagin, and I am so naturally just slipping in this UN, on Hunger Game and Catching Fire.

First Year, second year....keep doing this,  "Hi , we used to know each other."

Not the first time first date I often just show up?

"Hi ~ I didn't agree to that. "

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