
You coming here on Earth what? To prison, to jail, or to sunk in the buttom of the sea.

... No.

No You don't have to sunk it in the buttom of the sea, but from your own 16 years, that was real, just the bank accounts you will never arrive with the Time. For Zawanna's world, there are the diligent workers such as what I told UB UFO Seth some account, because Ronan he might know him, or whatever was there. 

But Seth he becomes very very very driven and aggressiveness to the money gold digger including those UB his college buddies friend, that is what you have some of this movie, that Tall Britney, the Chinese Translation my time few year back reading it, it was Bounce Hunty or bonus hunter.

What I told Seth was landing it somewhere having a more solid life, not wrecking his own spirits, he was a mild guy they all were. But they probably have a reason for doing all that, the money the gold reason. To all this sphere upper world.

Our world, many people got jailed. In their world vocabulary, even if you go to jail, you learn your mistake and moving on. That is not how our world operates really. But they have more supports.

1) School, 2) Discipline 3) Spirituality 4) Resource pouring in 5) Wheather, 6) Peers pressure 7) the entire world supporting factors are all different to "sharpen your skill", or professional experty, all vibrant, positive spirits, positive talk, positive positive positive words, or momentum when you seeing that person. You never met those positive in outlook sounding very normal human, not every eye sight shatter.

They are, but they are more happy, and get going.

A little bit like 101 here those 20+ years old small thin boys, they wearing eye glasses and luggage, you can tell their life having hope, no matter how that suit looks bigger on them, their life has a purpose, and they are driven to go for it.

Life its when you are driven to go after it, it sounds like a normal human living a very normal life, I would say that. What really the normal thing everyone will be telling you those Upper World.

Give you an example, for example:

Some people going on the skii trip, some like to reading a book in the very cold house no heating, but the blanket cover, sometimes meditate without the music, without the sound, the more outback road, forest, or tress. New Age.

Some people Friday night have the social events, the pub, the drinking wine places.

Some like me keep pushing that American Congress or every 2 second, their keyword will show up "American Congress" knock knock on purpose doing that, if not lawsuit, its the written notice, not hinted, just meant the language you hear, or you will, that I have my will, one of those? Meaning written it down format, keep typing whatever all costs only the money paid in the end results, it might be implied 1 to 400, then there is 400+. No shame people doing that. I personally don't realize what that is a shame, but most people New Age, that is a shame.

Write it down, paper black and white ink, that is not New Age.

101 for sure for sure anyone come to visit, they WILL FOREVER NEVER defined as NEW AGE. Eternally. And if you get on the metro at 5 oclock to seeing those fresh college graduate boys, all what they carried a computer lap top bags, or luggage, all of that looking, you just sit there, that is where the Capital means like the song I sing to the UB: Try Everything the Shiraka lady, waka waka that person.

When I am driven, or they pointing out that someone so driven to the materialist veiws, it means I am not outback really.... you meant that person was more aggressive to the Laws, and especially if the internationally, you just targeting at the American Laws Capitalism, rather than those suburban people just sweet, mild, harmonious gathering of some warm welcoming to all those around, slow in pace, but warm at the heart. 

Not cut people in thousand pieces and say that is the Seat I am the Throne I will be. One of those China meant to tale. 

They will define themselves as the rural New Age people. Incent, fragment of the candle, I say the fire department to those not wall-to-wall carpet, even Tamang knows what he orderd, the Emerson square the exact description.

It will burn, really!!!!!

The capitalism sleek means a lot of this, fast pace, money driven, and why people should make money, just never have enough?

I wonder why!!!! Truly !!!

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