
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฎ The MD like you, cannot verbalize a word from your textbook, those are not MD, okay? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฎ Your medical board supposes to know that better, the very very very basic needs how the human sweat, tear, response, urine, feeling to pee, feeling to poo, feeling to eat.

That is the entire garbage, you cannot relate your own very textbook, to some of the system in the brain chemistry, in the heart, in the immune system. You don't' care about a thing....you looking for the end results how convenience everyone ending up in the jail. You keep lying to yourself, to a reality, that is not real.....

The medicinal chemistry


What about it, or the UB 2020, those website I comment per degree lines on those Twlight movie corresponding in the classroom session?

It started at the cell division. Do you even know why there is a cell division?

Because why you need a biology dogma anywhere, to put things somewhere. Where?

oh, I didn't know where everything sees, or where I keep writing none stop like I have no fear of it.....this is smart, the day I gone to the Simon Cowell, I knew about all this, or the day I graduate from the UB, middle school, I already read somewhat all that?

My memory didn't love that Dean so much, he is dead in thousand pieces by that one Justin, or you all girls imagine the love can heal, where he hasn't gone out of the ocean crossing line yet. All the way further down. Is that the real Dean?

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