
๐ŸŽ„ The Thinkwell article? ๐ŸŽ„

Inside your cell, you were taught or told there is a replication process, to that how many pairs of the chromosome are composed in One Cell. Per Cell counts. That is the normal cell, not the reproduction cells. That is that Professors are saying and division at.

That is the very very very basic.

To that lab procedure you never done, of course you have no ideas.

That entire condensation process of the DNA coil into the chromosome, both that long long cluster and the chromosome are the DNA, but on the top of the marking location, you defined that as a particular gene trait, that is just how the modern scientists they do that. The location of this has an anomly. You cannot change any of that. The gene traits are just that location of the DNA can be express to given out a definition like your hair is blonde, my eyes are green?

The gene is the DNA, that being express, so there is a gene trait. Isn't these are your per word in English, how they say they write? "G e n e   t r a i t "?

That is not your English words?  

You have to tell me very very clear, what's wrong with your mind.

I cannot just go and reading an article, to imagine, what might be wrong inside your brain? 

You express a gene, that is the English definition called "the gene trait."  If you don't express that gene trait, that is the silent gene mode. Meaning one of those how they define certain things I don't know the English word. 

You don't have to be expressing the gene traits in the most common way. Like some eyes are blue, some eyes are brown. 

Its different, its not they are wrong. Its the same vision they take the tests in DMV?

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