
No, behind I talking different

No, not like the TV. 


People train others the conditions, sometimes? Sometimes its normal. I don't know whom they are. You can just admin your own perfect parents. I have only one parent, really. Settle what she really meant it in her life with...this Medical Boards, they putting all over the map for me to see. 

You ensure your parent, mine would be one parent to what the retirement happy, its with her things near by, I moving out, or she moving out to NYC, so I manage here fine? You know what I mean? Sometimes you putting up things in the idea why things at Home its not the Home?

Those boys, if they truely make it in life, meaning somewhat supported in their own home town, they wishing to be seeing you girls running away from home? They don't know those whom from the foreigners people lands to intrude their world? The country, the flag, or the neighborhood? One of those?

And the guys, or the home boy, or home what, how do you label them? These guys more homey close to their family, they wish?

They like their home better. They need to be in their home. I can just be in my happy world, MY HOME. Its on their video. Before you trying to be that drastic in the imagination.....very drastic and extreme in life, why don't you just considering your own very happy life inside your own home? You didn't have to be vola in other people's land. Your own world happy, the guys will be wishing you all to be happy inside your perfect home. 

Home, define that to me?  You will be a 40 years old.


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